Starting OPTAVIA Program

How To Start OPTAVIA Program

To start OPTAVIA program, follow the steps below.

  1. Find your OPTAVIA coach.
  2. Learn about OPTAVIA plans.
  3. Schedule Discovery Call
  4. Purchase your OPTAVIA starter kit.
  5. Understand lean and green meals.
  6. Learn about OPTAVIA Fuelings.
  7. Read Habits of Health book

1. Find your OPTAVIA Coach

At Optimal Weight Plan, we feature two Independent OPTAVIA coaches, Karen and Tamera, both seasoned experts with years of coaching experience under their belts.

Coaches tailor the program to your unique health goals and lifestyle needs, ensuring a more effective and enjoyable journey.

Having a coach from the start provides accountability, motivation, and emotional support, which are crucial for long-term success.

Coaches bring a wealth of knowledge about nutrition, healthy habits, and overcoming obstacles, helping you navigate challenges with confidence.

About Us
optimal weight Tamera coach
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2. Learn about OPTAVIA plans

OPTAVIA offers three distinct plans, with the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan being the most popular and highly recommended option for effective weight loss.

5&1 Plan: This plan includes eating five OPTAVIA Fuelings and one Lean & Green meal per day, designed for steady, sustainable weight loss.

4&2 Plan: Participants consume four OPTAVIA Fuelings and two Lean & Green meals daily, suitable for those seeking a balanced approach to weight loss while incorporating more traditional foods.

3&3 Plan: Aimed at weight maintenance, this plan involves three OPTAVIA Fuelings and three Lean & Green meals per day, focusing on stability and long-term health.

choose your program
choose your OPTAVIA plan

3. Schedule Discovery Call

An in-depth discussion about the OPTAVIA program tailored to your unique health goals, lifestyle, and dietary preferences.

An evaluation of your health status, including any existing conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and medication usage to ensure the program fits your needs.

Identification of any allergies or medical conditions that might affect program selection, ensuring a safe and effective journey.

A conversation about your main motivation for seeking health changes, helping to personalize the coaching approach.

Questions about daily routines, sleep, energy levels, physical activity, and dietary habits to create a comprehensive wellness plan.

schedule a call

4. Purchase OPTAVIA starter kit

The OPTAVIA Starter Kit for the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan is a comprehensive package priced at $321.50, offering a diverse selection of 154 servings of delicious and nutritious fuelings designed to simplify healthy eating and kickstart your weight loss.

A variety of OPTAVIA Fuelings with flavors ranging from savory tomato and herbs to sweet chocolate and mint.

Key meal replacements like Golden Butterscotch Blondie Mix, Red Bean & Vegetable Chili, and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix.

Drink options such as Creamy Chocolate Shake Mix, Wild Strawberry Shake Mix, and Creamy Vanilla Shake Mix.

Specialty snacks and desserts including Drizzled Chocolate Fudge Crisp Bar, Caramel Delight Crisp Bar, and Decadent Chocolate Brownie Mix with Greek Yogurt Chips.

5. Understand lean and green meals

A Lean & Green meal consists of 5 to 7 ounces of cooked lean protein, three servings of non-starchy vegetables, and up to two servings of healthy fats, adaptable to any time of the day to fit your schedule.

Includes a wide range from leanest to lean proteins, allowing for customization based on personal preference and dietary needs.

Three servings of non-starchy vegetables per meal, categorized by carbohydrate levels to support informed choices.

Up to two servings of healthy fats are incorporated to enhance vitamin absorption and support gallbladder function.

The meal can be enjoyed at any time of day, providing flexibility in meal planning and scheduling.

6. Learn about OPTAVIA Fuelings

OPTAVIA Fuelings are nutritionally balanced, scientifically designed meals and snacks that support weight management and healthy living.

Each Fueling contains approximately 100-110 calories.

You consume 5 Fuelings per day.

Formulated to provide a balanced mix of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

These Fuelings are designed with a balance of high-quality protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to support overall health.

7. Read Habits of Health book

The “Habits of Health” book is a comprehensive guide designed to support individuals on their journey towards optimal health and well-being, focusing on creating sustainable lifestyle changes.

Covers a wide range of topics including healthy eating, hydration, physical activity, sleep, and mental wellness.

Provides resources like daily, weekly, and monthly logs, glycemic charts, grocery lists, and meal plans to facilitate the implementation of health habits.

Offers in-depth information on calorie restriction, fiber and gut health, phytonutrients, and the importance of omega-3 fatty acids.

Encourages joining the OPTAVIA community for additional support and motivation, amplifying the book’s teachings through shared experiences and success stories.

optimal weight Plans


Initial consultation with personalized advice and a tailored action plan at no cost

Discovery call

Nutrition assessment

Lifestyle assessment

Setting health goals

Program evaluation

most popular


Find OPTAVIA coach that will help you with a one-on-one guidance tailored to meet your unique health and wellness goals

Getting started

Health assessment

OPTAVIA Fuelings

Lean & Green Meals

Habits of Health

Daily routine

DIY Coaching

Personalized guidance on creating meal plans with store-bought foods without relying on OPTAVIA plan

Meal planning

Food journaling

Calorie counting

Progress tracking

Goal setting


What do I need to know before starting OPTAVIA 5&1?

Unlike many diets, the OPTAVIA 5&1 plan goes beyond just food. It provides a strong support system and focuses on developing sustainable healthy habits for long-term success. The program includes a combination of clinically proven plans and OPTAVIA products designed to kick-start your journey to optimal weight by encouraging a state of efficient fat-burning and teaching you how to prepare healthy meals.

Can I speak to an OPTAVIA coach before starting?

Yes, you can speak with an OPTAVIA coach before starting the program. Mogelo’s team of experienced OPTAVIA coaches is ready to guide you through the process and help you achieve your health goals.

How much does it cost to start the OPTAVIA 5&1 plan?

The initial cost to start the OPTAVIA 5&1 Plan is $321.50, with a $190.00 discount off your first Premier autoship order, leading to a monthly cost of $415.05 thereafter.

How much does it cost to start the OPTAVIA 5&1 plan?

The initial cost to start the OPTAVIA 5&1 Plan is $321.50, with a $190.00 discount off your first Premier autoship order, leading to a monthly cost of $415.05 thereafter.

How to order my first OPTAVIA 5&1 starter kit?

The best way to order your first OPTAVIA 5&1 starter kit is to connect to your Independent OPTAVIA coach via Mogelo. Our coaches will personalize your order based on your needs and goals, ensuring a seamless start to your OPTAVIA journey.

What support does OPTAVIA coaching provide?

OPTAVIA coaching provides comprehensive support through personalized guidance from experienced coaches to foster healthy habits and lifestyle transformation, alongside access to a supportive community, scientifically developed nutrition plans, and products to achieve and maintain optimal health and weight.

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